Wednesday, July 17, 2013

In the twenty-some years of my life, I have come across people who think they know everything about this life that we live.They think they got it all under control. Who knows? Maybe they really do have everything well under control. Well, I dont necessarily have a problem with that. But they come mano a mano with an angry bull when they try to force their perspective on me. Hey, you can be as opinionated as you want for all I care, I woudn't give a fiddler's fart.Unless I specifically ask you for advice, keep it to yourself, PLEASE. If I want it, I will call you, text you, facebook you, whatever it takes to get in touch with you. But don't be searching for me everywhere and pulling me out of my hiding place just to tell me some bull crap that I don't really care about. Dont be forcing your opinion on me.

Second, I have some friends who feel like just because they are my friends, they have the license to order me around. Er...ok. Go ahead. Knock yourself out. But when you call me next time I swear on the very oxygen I breathe, I will watch that phone ring, or when I have the energy, pick it up and silence it, or worse still when I'm in a very bad mood, slide that ignore button. Well, what the hell ' you gon do about it? As for your texts, I will not respond to them, and as for you asking me to hang out, I will make other plans for the next century, meaning I will never squeeze time to accomodate you; would rather sleep.

Third, don't act like you know me so well. You might know my skin color, the length of my hair, or my second name, maybe even my shoe size, but dont freaking act like you're my guardian angel who even knows when I sneeze or fart. Bottom line is, you don't know me, and prolly never will. Fool, it has taken me over twenty years to learn about myself, and I'm still getting to know myself better. I aint got that kind of time to stick around you until you can flaunt it in my face that you know me. Consciously speaking, you dont.  So just shut up already.

Fourth, dont judge me just coz I sin differently from you. Who do you think you are? As Sarah Barreilles would say, who died and made you king of anything? Riiight...Nobody.

Friday, December 21, 2012

The last 30 mins of my longest class...

Wednesday was the longest day of my week this past semester (bless my stars its over now) and my last class for the day was a 2 and half hour class that didn't end until 4:30pm. Now that is asking for a lot from a person like me, goodness by the time it gets to 4pm, there is one thing I do know. My brain is done. With classes. For the day. So what happens in the last 30 mins?
In the corner, there is the one tall-faced blond who will be popping her pimples, the short guy in a cool hat who will be dozing with his face stuck up in the air? , then there is the fashion diva who will be chatting to her friend on facebook, and of course, that one girl who feels like she has gotta say something, who is even confused by her own questions and says to the professor, you know what I mean? To which the professor responds with a sincere, I am sorry, repeat that one more time. Need I say more? Oh, that funny senior who brings a snack-which is always a chicken sandwich and a bottle of water. I am amused when she gets to her packet of chips, because she munches them in a way that is impossible to resist turning to see where the noise of a chipmunk munching on wood is coming from. Then there is the cute bloke who will be squinting his eyes coz the sun is in his face. Oh I love this one; he waits for the right moment when the professor has asked an important question. He raises his hand and- wait for it- he raises his hand and boldly says,"Could someone close the blinds? The sun is in my face." Great response Mr-Whatever -Your-Name is. Oh my word! It would be a crime to forget the short redhead from another campus who always talks about her job making cookies- I call her Miss Cookies. When she is speaking, she is always so pensive that one. And what about our dear sophomore couple? The one with a guy who reminds me of my major advisor and the girl who is always wearing a grey hoodie-I hadn't noticed this until somebody else mentioned. Then one more person worth mentioning. The other kid who always feels the need to say something (you can see he is so pressured to) but whatever he says is 1. always not relevant to the matter under discussion. 2. funny to him because he is the only one who actually laughs - I say this because everybody has got that look on their faces that says, er..we might have missed the funny part, wanna come again?
Oh wait,  it is 4:29pm already. So what happens in the last 30 minutes of that class? Well, what did I just say?

Monday, December 10, 2012

Musings when unmotivated to do school work


It is that time of the year in a student's life when four grown men and women, widely renowned professionally as professors, team up against a kid, (yeah, the kid is me). Should I call campus po on these men and women? Nah, wouldn't work. Two more freaking weeks of school...wonder how this cray cray mind of mine is going to last that long. Well, I do know that it's retarded to celebrate getting your head half way outta the lion's mouth, because I am still a junior, but at this vantage point in my life, I just want to graduate. Be done with school. And then..?
Well, beats me. Goodness me, all I have done with my life for the past 16 years is school. Yep, school and more school. I aint complaining, prolly just whining. No difference? Oh bite me!